Fellowship and breaking bread together!

Our 4x4 Groups are designed to help those in our body get to know each other better. The concept is that 4 couples, or families, will be grouped together and gather for a meal once a month for 4 months. (4 families, 4 dinners: 4x4. Sorry to those of you that got excited about New Hope having an off road vehicle ministry. We are open to ideas...) It is intended as a potluck gathering with the host family providing a main dish. At the end of 4 months, names of those that want to be involved are shuffled and new groups are set up for the next 4 months.

It is not a rigid design! Singles are welcome. If you want to be involved but are not in a position to host a dinner party, someone else in the group can host twice or that group can have 3 events instead of 4. General parameters are in place, but beside that, each group is free to decide what will work best for its members.

We intend to do 2 shuffles a year. From Sept - Dec and Feb - May.

For those of us that do not know the names or stories of those we don't sit near on Sunday morning, this is a terrific way to break down barriers and build relationships with our fellow believers.